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In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag
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[{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958231,"style":"DST","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958232,"style":"EXP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958233,"style":"HUS","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958234,"style":"JEF","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958235,"style":"PES","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958236,"style":"VIP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958237,"style":"VP3","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1958238,"style":"XXX","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1958200/In_the_hoop_Lined_Crazy_Patch_Bag_Samples_450.jpg","title":"In the hoop Lined Crazy Patch Bag"}]

This fully lined In the hoop Crazy Patch Bag has been on my 'to do' list for a while.

The design has a zipper insert at the top of the bag, is completely lined, and you can choose to use multiple fabrics for the crazy patch look, or one fabric, fully quilted or plain.

The bag can be made in one-hooping, so super quick, or I have included a Crazy Patch Back that you can make first (complete bag made in 2 hoopings)

This design set includes 4 hoop sizes, plus the Candlewick Alphabet in 3 sizes 30mm 50mm and 65 mm

Candlewick Alphabet in 3 sizes


5x7 hoop

130X180 mm

6x8 hoop

160x200 mm

8x12 hoop



9X14 hoop


Just under

5x7 inch

Just under

6x8 inch

Just over

7.5x10 inch

Just over

9x12 inch


I made this cover for my I-Pad (10.5 inch) using the 9x14 hoop

(The attached bag is our

Free In the hoop Bag 4x4 hoop

 perfect size for my headphones)

In the hoop Crazy Patch IPad Cover

BONUS:  I've included the FSL Butterfly for 4x4 hoop

New to this style of design?   Watch Kay from Kays Cutz stitch this design

Here are a few samples we made using different fabrics - Darina used some of her beautiful silk stash for the silver and blue bag 

In the hoop Crazy Patch Lined Bag Samples by Kreative Kiwi


In the hoop Crazy Patch Bags stitched by Teri

Julie stitched this bag plus the Free Lace Bag and Crazy Patch Glass Case

In the hoop bags by Julie

I can't wait to see what you create!

View samples of our In the hoop Bags

Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
