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arrow_circle_down Free Lace Zip In the hoop Bag

Free Lace Zip In the hoop Bag

I've had many questions asking how to use the pretty Lace Zips with our In the hoop Bags - Its just a matter of changing when you add the zip.

I decided to give you this Free In the hoop Bag that is made for the Lace Zips, but I have also included instructions on how you can adapt other In the hoop Bag Designs.

Our Free design is a plain In the Hoop Bag  designed to showcase the Lace zip and fabric, rather than any embroidery detail.   You'll need a 5x7 hoop, and a 20cm Lace Zip


Watch Kay make our Free Lace Bag

Free Lace Zip In the hoop Bag

 Lace Zip Samples


If you don't aready have some of these pretty zips

Google Lace zips - there are many stockists


Love this idea of Sharon's - she recycled a pair of denim trousers with decorative cuffs to make this very cute Free Lace Bag

Free Lace Bag by Sandra - recycled denims 1

Free Lace bags by Pat

 Samples from our Kreative Kiwi Group

Free In the hoop bags with zips on outside by Kreative Kiwi

View more samples of our In the hoop Bags


Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
