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arrow_circle_down How to Quilt a Reading Pillow Pocket

How to Quilt a Reading Pillow Pocket


By our awesome Darina

Step One

Press fusible fleece to the back of your fabric


Step Two

Place your ruler the same distance in from the right as the height of your pocket. For Example if it is 12” high then come in 12” from the right and draw your first line.

Draw a second line 2” away or desired width.

Step Three

Turn your ruler and line up your first two lines with the lines on the ruler. Draw the third line at any position so long as the previous lines meet up.

Step Four

Stitch your first row on a stitch length stitch of 3.

Attach your quilting arm.

Step Five

Line your quilting arm with your first row of stitching whilst dropping your needle in the beginning of your second row.

Important to watch your quilting arm, not the needle to maintain accurate sewing.

Step Six

Continue across until all that direction is done.

You will then need to rotate your work and complete all your rows of sewing in the one direction

Step Seven

Now stitch your one marked line for the other direction.

Your quilting arm is already set in place so just continue until all lines are completed

Step Eight

This is how it looks when your stitching is finished, now press it once again.

Now how awesome does that look.

You can now go ahead and hoop up for wording or designs.

I add a No Show Mesh and hoop all together.

Happy Sewing Ladies x

Quilted Reading Pillow

Note from Heather

Thanks so much again Darina - I hope you enjoy seeing all the beautiful Reading Pillows that have been made with your Tutorial.  You have truly inspired many!!

















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