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arrow_circle_down How To: Make a Towel Topper from our Coaster Designs

How To:  Make a Towel Topper from our Coaster Designs

While discussing our Sports Ball Freebie set, Flo (KK Admin) suggested a Golf Ball Towel Topper - such a great and practical idea!! - plus you can use these instructions to make an in-the-hoop Towel Topper from any of our Free Coasters.  



In addition to the specific Coaster requirements (details in design file)

You need:

  • Small hand towel/tea towel/face cloth
    • (If required, cut into a square shape and neaten the edge)
  • 10cm (4 inch) piece or ribbon/tape for hanging 

We used the Basketball from our

Free Sports Ball Set

            • Load design to machine
            • Hoop 2 layers of Water Soluble Stabiliser
            • Thread machine with a neutral color
            • Stitch Color 1

Stitch Color 1

As pictured below,

        • Fold your hanging ribbon in half, and tape to stabiliser (folded edge to top)
        • Place your corner edge of the towel in place 
          • You can use tape to hold the towel in place, or, as I did, pin in place

 Place towel

Trim the Towel top away - I leave about 1/4 inch seam allowance

Trim Towel

Continue on with your specfic Coaster Instructions (I've shown them anyway)

Add Batting and Fabric over the Guideline

Add Fabric

Stitch Color 2 to attach all layers

Attach Fabric

Stitch inner detail of Coaster and if required, add your own lettering


Now you are ready at attach your Backing as per Coaster instructions

  • Remove hoop from Machine, and tape Backing Fabric to hoop
  • Wrong Side of Fabric facing Hoop
  • OR if you are comfortable with floating the backing, you can place the backing fabric under the hoop

Add Backing

Return hoop to machine and stitch appropriate color to attach backing

Backing Added

Remove from hoop and cut away excess fabric on front and back


BE CAREFUL when you are cutting the fabric on the front - you don't want to cut either the towel or tag (ask me how I know this!)


Now its just a matter of stitching your last Color which zig zags, then stitches the Satin Stitch edge


As per instructions, remove froom hoop, cut away the Water Soluble Stabiiser and use a Q-Tip and warm water to remove all trace of Stabiliser.

Too Easy!

 Flos sample

Flo's Sample (Thank you Flo)

 Basketball Topper

I'm looking forward to seeing some cute Coffee Cup and Teapot Towel Toppers!

 Free Coffee Cup Coaster  Free Teapot Coaster  Free Beer Mug Coaster

If you're not already a Member, and you are wondering where to get these Free designs,  you can join us here 

Be sure to share your photos on the Kreative Kiwi Group

Tags: How to  Design Ideas  

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