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arrow_circle_down How To: Make a Hooded Towel

How To:  Make a Hooded Towel


This Hooded Towel is quick and easy to make, and the end result is very cute!


  • Water Soluble Stabilizer (WSS)
  • Water Soluble Topping (WST)
  • Bath Towel Hand Towel (minimum size 16x24” or 40x60cm)

STEP One - Preparation

Fold the hand towel in half as shown. Using a rotary cutter or sharp scissors cut the folded hand towel in half lengthways. I used a 16x24” hand towel and cut it slightly larger than half (approx 1” wider). I am going to use the larger piece. If you purchase a larger hand towel and cut it exactly in half you can get two hoods out of it.


STEP Two - Hooping


Choose the design you want to use for the hood. Hoop the WSS and towel together making sure that the long uncut edge is positioned correctly for your design. Stitch out your design using Water Soluble Topping over the towel. This ensures that the stitching stands above the pile of the towel, and also helps the machine foot move without getting caught in the towel loops. 

STEP Three - Construction of the Hood

Peaked Hood

Fold the towel in half again with the right sides together and the design on the inside. Leaving 1/4“ seam allowance stitch the raw edges together to form the hood. Neaten the raw edges with zigzag or overlock to prevent fraying (I zigzag mine twice just to be sure).


Rounded Hood

Fold the towel in half with the design on the inside. Place a saucer over the towel as pictured. Cut with a rotary cutter or sharp scissors. Leaving 1/4“ seam allowance stitch the raw edges together to form the hood. Neaten the raw edges with zigzag or overlock to prevent fraying (I zigzag mine twice just to be sure).


STEP Four - Joining to the Towel

With wrong side facing up find and mark the centre of the long edge of the bath towel. Fold the hood as illustrated so that the back seam is facing up. Match centre seam of hood to centre marking on the towel. Overlap the bath towel with the hand towel approx 1/2”. Pin in Place.



Stitch securely together to form a flat seam. I like to straight stitch two lines approx 1/4 inch apart and zigzag between them. Make sure you backstitch well at the front edges of the hood for extra strength.



Lay towel flat as illustrated, and fold the towel into thirds lengthways. Roll one side up from the edge to the centre. Repeat with the other side. Pull hood neatly over the rolled up towel and tie with a ribbon. Hey Presto, all ready to give to your special someone!




Faye has used designs from our Bathtime Buddies and Skateboard Critters Design Sets


Gaylene used our Fox from Large Farm Animals Set

Lana shared her absolutely gorgeous Towell's using just the heads of the Large Appliques

Hooded Towels using Large Applique Animal Designs

Joyce made these cute hooded towel sets


Hooded Towel samples by Kreative Kiwi group

Thanks again to Faye for creating and sharing her Tutorial, make sure you join our Kreative Kiwi Group, and share your completed Towels!

Click link below to View and Download Tutorial

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