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One hooping, fully Lined In the hoop Christmas Stocking
I have had so many requests for a one-hooping, lined Stocking, AND a Dog stocking, (we all love our fur babies) so this ticks all boxes
(Sin and Tom are just 2 of my fur-babies – I have 4 more to make for my animals.)
I had to make Tom this stocking - the fabric looks so much like him!!
The written instructions include the non-dog or 'plain' stocking
In keeping with the one hooping, quick idea, the back of the stocking is an unquilted piece of fabric. If you prefer to have a quilted backing, you can pre-quilt a piece of fabric.
Download our FREE CROSS HATCH Quilting set (matches the Stocking front)
5x7 130X180 mm |
6x10 Hoop 160x200 mm |
8X12 Hoop 200x200mm |
9x14 hoop 230x360mm |
5x7 inches |
6.5 by 9 inches |
8 x 11 inches |
9x12.5 inches |
Kay has created a fantastic step-by-step video showing how to make this
The video shows in detail
- Placement of the fabrics
- Adding Lining Front and Back
- Adding your own lettering
- Removing WSS to get your turning gap
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