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arrow_circle_down Moon Phases Runner or Wallhanging
By Kay's Cutz
For hoop sizes: 5"x 7" 6"x 9" & 8"x 12"
Each panel is made in two quick easy hoopings and joined in the hoop, this gives a good width to your runner without the need to add sashing unless you wanted to, even with the smallest size.
There are two versions of the moon panels included, I couldn't make my mind up which I prefered.
The first with a two tone moon (Lou's sample) and the second version in just one colour (Sandy's sample)
There are also three additional bonus files included, A matching verse panel ,a blank panel so that you can add your own design on it and just the verse on its own to add to other things if you wanted to
Watch Kay stitch these designs
How to sash and bind your project
Stitched by Liz

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