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Large Ballerina Applique
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US$ 6.00
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[{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282655,"style":"DST","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282656,"style":"EXP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282657,"style":"HUS","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282658,"style":"JEF","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282659,"style":"PES","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282660,"style":"VIP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":1282661,"style":"XXX","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":6,"qty":9999,"pid":2497088,"style":"VP3","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid1282654/DSC_0135-400.jpg","title":"Large Ballerina Applique"}]

What little Girl hasn't dreamt of being a Ballerina!

Imagine their delight having their very own Ballerina - we added our Ballerina to a quilt, but you could easily create a smaller wall hanging - include their name and an inspirational quote, and you have created a beautiful heirloom!

Our Large Ballerina is made in 3 hooping’s - joined easily in-the-hoop

like a jig-saw.  (Full photo instructions included)

Finished Size

  • 8x10 hoop                          
    • 21.5cm by 55cm   8.5 by 22 inches
  • 6x10  hoop                         
    • 20cm by 50cm      7.5 by 19 inches
  • 5x7 hoop                            
    • 15cm by 38cm      6 by 15 inches

Our 'White' Ballerina had Mylar detail in her Tutu 

It does not show up well in the photos

- it truly is stunning in real  life.

We attached our Large Ballerina (8X10 hoop) to a Jelly-Roll Quilt, and the smaller (5X7 hoop) Ballerina to a pre-made Draw-string Bag

Large Ballerina by Sue 2

Our very own Fantastic Faye stitched all 3 sizes of our Ballerinas - aren't they cute!

Free Standing Ballerina

Ellen created these very cute Ballet Shoe Bags!!

Ballet Shoe Bags

Jayne created this beautiful Ballerina Bag

Ballerina Bag

Bev shared her beautiful Ballerina Quilt - absolutely stunning - Bev used our Beautiful Ballerinas and Large Ballerina

Bev Farmer - Beautiful Ballerinas

Ballerina Quilt by Karen

Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
