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Large Applique Baby Quilt
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US$ 10.00
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[{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666336,"style":"DST","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666337,"style":"EXP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666338,"style":"HUS","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666339,"style":"JEF","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666340,"style":"PES","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666341,"style":"VIP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666342,"style":"VP3","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":2666343,"style":"XXX","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/102656/pid2666328/Large_Applique_Baby_Quilt_by_Kreative_Kiwi_-_450.jpg","title":"Large Applique Baby Quilt"}]

The main idea behind this quilt came about, as we had a few ‘impending’ births in the wider family, and I wanted a ‘generic’ Quilt design that I could make in advance, and then add the personalisation once I knew the Baby names.

Before and after Baby Quilt

I thought I would make the complete Quilt – binding and all, then once I knew the Baby name, I would add the name to the blanket portion of the Large Baby Applique, and then stitch the Large Baby Applique to the Quilt and have a baby gift ready within hours!!

I also liked the idea that you could make many Quilt Layouts from these designs.

This Quilt set includes four main elements that you can put together in your own way to make your own unique Baby Quilt, together with simple Instructions showing how I made my Quilt

  1. Sweet Dreams Little One wording
  2. Large Applique Baby
  3. Large Teddy in the Moon
  4. Background Star and Moon Quilting

The Large Applique Baby and Large Teddy in the Moon designs are not just for Quilting - like all our Large Applique Designs, you make them as stand-alone 3D items.  The Large Baby applique would be perfect double sided for a Gender Reveal, or add your own wording for a beautiful personalised Baby Announcement

 Sweet Dreams Little One Applique Words - 600


Each word set is made in two 5x7 hooping’s, stitched together to make a block which includes the background star and moon quilting and the border around both blocks

Large Baby Applique design by Kreative Kiwi - 600

Not only for the Quilt, you can also use this design free-standing as a Gender Reveal or hanging








27 by 21 cm’s

34 by 27 cm’s

42 by 34 cm’s

11 by 8.3 inches

13 by 10 inches

16.6 by 13 inches

Large Baby Applique - 3 hoopings

Large Sleeping Teddy on Moon Applique by Kreative Kiwi - 600









23 by 24 cm’s

31.5 by 33 cm’s

37 by 38 cm’s

9 by 9.3 inches

12.5 by 13 inches

14.5 by 15 inches

Large Teddy Moon Applique - 3 hoopings

Background Quilting Stars and Moon - 600

Background quilting Designs

This set includes:

  • Star and Moon Sashing files
    •  5x7 hoop
  • Star and Moon Quilting blocks and Alignment Files
    • 5x5 5x7 6x6 6x10 8x8 8x12 hoops

I have included photos of how I put together my Baby Quilt, but the idea behind this set, is you can mix and match these designs to make any quilt Layout you like


I loved the idea of the Large Baby design for a Gender reveal - the video below shows how you can make this design completely reversable with pink fabric one side and blue fabric the other.  If you want to make the design for a quilt, you simply skip the backing fabric instructions


Baby Quilt by Holly 2

Sweet Dreams Little One by Lesley Brown

Brenda sent me this beautiful photo of her Large Baby Quilt

Baby Quilt by Brenda 600

Michelle was awarded an Instant Win for her beautiful Baby Quilt - Michelle used our Large Baby Applique Quilt and added the very cute sleeping Pony

Michelle Stephens - Baby Quilt with Sleeping Pony

Sweet Dreams Baby Quilt by Shaneen

Baby Quilt by Alice

Baby Quilt by Bunny Woo

Baby Quilt by JoLynn

Teddy in Moon Quilt by JoLynn - 600

Large Applique Baby Quilt by Esther

Teddy in Moon Quilt by Kelly

Baby Quilt by Wilma

Sweet Dreams by Nancy

Baby Quilt by Amy

Large Teddy in Moon Quilt by Lesley

Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
