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Jungle Animals Combo Applique
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I've had this beautiful artwork from Clipartopolis for a while now,  and finally managed to get these designs created.

Our Jungle Animals Combo Design Set includes All Eight Animals

  • Animal Applique Design – 5x5 Hoop
  • Animal Applique plus outside Quilting design and ITH Block 6x6 and 8x8
 Crocodile Quilt Block  Applique Crocodile  Applique Elephant  Giraffe Head Applique
 Lion Quilt Block  Lion Head Applique  Elephant Quilt Block  Giraffe Quilt Block
 Meer Cat Applique  Monkey Applique  Hippo Applique  Hippo Quilt Block
 Meercat Quilt Block  Monkey Quilt Block  Applique Zebra  Zebra Quilt Block

 Not just for Quilts! – although they make gorgeous Quilts!

These very cute Animals peeking thru the Window can be used for many projects – Look what Darina has added them to

  • Towels
  • Cushions
  • Bags
  • Reading Pillows

Ideas for Jungle Animal Applique Blocks


I cannot thank Darina enough for all her help and ideas for this design set – while I was slowly working away on my simple Quilt, Darina was testing and using these designs in all these other ways!! - showing how amazing the designs looked with different fabrics, making a completely different Quilt, plus making all the other goodies (and I was still on my first Quilt LOL)

Thank you Darina – You are an Angel!

How about this for a gorgeous Quilt that could be for a Boy or Girl

Here Darina used a combination of the Animal Heads only, combined with our filler blocks are from our Abstract Quilting Blocks Set

Peeking Animal Quilt by Darina

I can't wait to see what you make with them!!


New to Applique?

Watch Kay stitch our Hippo Blocks


Ruth was awarded an Instant Win for this beautiful Quilt

Instant Win - Jungle Combo by Ruth

Judy was awarded her Instant Win for the unique way she used our Jungle Animal Block

Judy's croc t-shirt

Turns out these blocks are perfect for making Dice - even a Matching Game, by making one Dice Heads, and one Dice Tails.

Thanks so much for Gayla and Kim for sharing this great idea!!

Matching game made with Double Blocks

Click on photo below to view larger image.

Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
