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arrow_circle_down In the hoop Panty Liner Set
By Kay's Cutz
This is a great scrap busting design. Panty liner A and storage bag can be made in an 8”x 8” hoop. Panty liner B can be made in a 6x10 hoop. The travel bag can be made in a 5”x5 ” or 120x120 MM hoop. Each element to the set is made in one hooping. Both the storage and travel bag are made in exactly the same way and both panty pads are made in the same way. The only difference is the wing shapes.
Panty Liner dimensions
Panty liner A and B gussets are 2 5/8 wide x 7" long or 6.5 x 178 MM
Panty liner A wing tip to wing tip - 7-7/8" or 198 MM
Panty liner B wing tip to wing tip - 6-1/5" or 164 MM
The travel bag is just under 5"x5" or 118x118 MM
The storage bag is just under 8"x8" or 198 x 198
Formats included in download file: DST EXP HUS JEF PES VIP VP3 XXX
Watch Kay's step by step video showing how to make these designs
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