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arrow_circle_down In the hoop Oven Mitt and Towel Topper
Make yourself a stylish Kitchen Set to match your own Décor with this stylish in the hoop Design set
This set includes both the Oven Mitt and Towel Topper design.
The Lining on the Oven Mitt is placed to give the pockets a bound look.
The Towel Topper is made in the hoop, and completed with your sewing machine
5x7 and 6x10 hoops
Darina added designs from our Kitchen Label Design set - I have included the set for free in this Design Set
A huge THANK YOU!! to Darina and Kim who worked together to create this set and Instructions**
Watch Kay stitch our Oven Mitt
Watch Kay make the In the hoop Towel Topper with the elastic method
Bev has a great alternative for the Towel Topper
Bev tapes in place two elastic pieces before the zig zag stitch (Color 4) then threads her Towel thru the elastic on the back of the Topper
Katrine was awarded an Instant Win for this beautiful set she made for her Brothers new caravan.
Katrine added our Free Coffee Cup and Free Teapot Coasters
Please click on photo to view larger image of samples from our In the hoop Towel Toppers.
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