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If you are new to our In the hoop Notebook designs, please read our Notebook Size information, which clarifies what size notebook to purchase
By very popular request – enjoy our new in the hoop Notebook Cover 2 with all the features you have requested:
- Closing Tab
- Simple Stippling
- Choice of Applique Patch’s
- Includes Initials for the circle patch for those without editing software
- Choice of decorative stitches
- A One-hooping version for **LARGE Hoops
NOTE: For those who are new to our In the hoop Notebook Designs, please read the detailed info below:
Top Rectangle Label includes Notes wording Diamond Decorative Stitch |
Circle Label includes 26 initials Fan Decorative Stitch |
The decorative stitch is interchangeable ie can have Circle Label with Diamond stitch and vice versa |
(If you have already purchased this design, please log into your account and re-download - the revision includes additions and revised instructions)
The covers fit 4 sizes of notebooks, and depending on your hoop size, can be made and joined in 3 hoopings, or a quick 1 hooping option
These Notebook covers are:
- Fully lined – no additional sewing required
- Made in three hooping’s, with all the joining and aligning completed as you stitch.
- For larger hoops, we have added a quick one hooping version
This Notebook pattern fits Four ‘standard’ Notebook Sizes:
SIZE A – A6 Notebook
- Purchased Notebook measures 4.13 by 5.83 inches
- Can be made in an 5x7 (130x180mm) Hoop – 3 hooping’s
- 1 hooping version can be made in a hoop larger than 171 x 247 mm
SIZE B – A5 Notebook
- Purchased Notebook measures 5.83 by 8.27 inches
- Can be made in an 6x10 (160x260mm) Hoop – 3 hooping’s
- 1 hooping version can be made in a hoop larger than 238 x 348 mm
SIZE C – US Sized Notebook
- Purchased Notebook measures 5 by 7 inches
- Can be made in an 6x10 (160x260mm) Hoop – 3 hooping’s
- 1 hooping version can be made in a hoop larger than 214 x 327 mm
SIZE D – Composition Notebook
- Purchased Notebook measures 7.48 by 9.84 inches
- Can be made in an 8x11 (200x280mm) hoop – 3 hooping’s
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