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arrow_circle_down In the hoop Candy Cane Holder or Bookmark
When I released the Free Snowman Bookmark, I had so many requests for a Reindeer and Gingerbread version.
As I was making them, I realized the Bookmark could easily be adapted for a Candy Cane holder
The same files are used for both – the difference is an added pocket
You choose - a quick Candy Cane Holder or a Bookmark to go with a Christmas gift!!
Finished size - 3 by 6.7 inches / 7.2 by 17cm’s
- Made and joined in 2 hooping’s for 4x4 hoops
- 1 hooping for the 5x7 hoop
If you are new to this style of design, please watch Kay's Snowman Bookmark video which has the same techiques
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