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We all know that we have such clever and talented Embroiderers in the Group who take a simple design and ‘make it better’
What started out as a closing tab on our Notebooks, has now been adapted to ‘other’ uses – we’ve put together these ideas for this free tab bundle
What does this set include?
Sheena shared her clever idea adding buttons to our Free Tab design - used to relieve the pressure of elastic on face masks. Thank you so much for sharing Sheena - many of our members are using your great idea!

Our original Notebook Tab is the 8cm Tab with either Diamond (DIA) or Fan (FAN) decorative stitch
You could use this on our Notebooks that do not already have a Closing Tab
Our fabulous Faye wrote a blog on Adding a Closing Tab which shows how you add them to our older notebook designs
Darina requested a slightly longer Tab to use with our In the hoop Glass Cases, so we created the 10cm Tab
Next on the list was an awesome idea from Helen, who edited our original Notebook Tab to make these cool Cord Straps or a longer Bag strap/Tab
These files are called Cord Wrap FAN or DIA
The fan style has the ‘pretty’ quilting and Fan edge, while the DIA style could be used for men – plain line quilting with a Diamond edge
Suzanne shared her directions on using our Notebook Cover to make a Bible Cover with Straps
We’ve included Suzanne’s Free Strap Design, plus added a rounded edge version – you could add them to the outside of any bag, as a feature
These files are called 27cmFAN
I hope this gives you some ideas on how to use our Free In the hoop Tab Designs
Hoop Sizes
Hoop Size | Model | Type | Year |
4x4 |
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