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arrow_circle_down Free ANZAC Poppy Mug Rug
Be ready for ANZAC Day when you stitch your free in the hoop ANZAC Poppy Mug Rug with the Poppy attached as you stitch to create a 3D effect.
Made in 2 hooping’s with a 5x7 hoop, this quick stitching Mug Rug is a great way to use up your fabric scraps, with no hand sewing needed.
Included formats DST EXP HUS JEF PES VIP VP3 XXX
If you are not so keen on the 3D aspect, you can leave off the 3D poppy and you have this Mug Rug with the simple outline Poppy Quilting and wording. (or add your own wording)
The 3D Poppy is created in the 4x4 hoop, so you can use that file to make a small Poppy for a broach
Watch Kay make this Coaster in her step-by-step video
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