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How to make a Craft Basket

Blog Post by:

Cathy Harrison of Pickle Creations

A material basket, which is ideal for:

- Sewing, e.g. fat quarters fit very nicely. This is the theme that I have used for this example project,

- Make-up,

- Baby changing equipment

Cutting List

Number Required





8” x 8”

Main fabric

Sides and bottom. Note, you could use a contrast fabric for the bottom.


12” x 4”

Main fabric



8” x 8”

Contrast lining

Sides and bottom.


8” x 6 ½”

Contrast lining



8” x 8”

Stiff stabilizer

Can use stabilizer, or, similar such as 3mm bag making scrim foam padding


8” x 8”

Iron on light woven stabilizer.

For lining panels


2” x 35”


For top of basket. Or create by joining 2 or more pieces to create the required length of binding.

To further enhance this project, you can additionally add appliqué embroidery designs of your choice, to match your basket theme. 

For these instructions I used Kreative Kiwi designs Which worked well with my sewing theme.

STEP 1 – Cutting Out

Above shows main fabric panel for outer. 5 squares of 8” x 8” required.

Above shows 2 pieces of main fabric 4” x 12” required for handles.

Above shows the lining panel, which is again 5 x 8” by 8”. This could be in main fabric, or, a contrasting fabric.

Above shows the 8” x 6 ½” panel, used to make the internal pockets on each side. 4 pieces required in total.

I have recently started using bag making scrim foam, instead of traditional stabilizer, for these kind of projects. It provides a good level of rigidity. This project will require 5 pieces for the sides and base, each of 8” x 8”.

Above shows the main pieces required to make the craft basket.

To add that certain something, I then created the appliqué squares above, using the Kreative Kiwi designs listed on page 2.

STEP 2 – Preparing and stiffening panels

Attach main fabric to bag making foam scrim /stiff stabilizer. Repeat for all 5 pieces. Some scrim is iron on but I use sew in so I have attached using a 1/4” seam all around the edge of each panel.

Attach appliqué panel to side panels, for each of the four sides.

Fuse iron on woven stabilizer to lining panels, to add extra stiffness.

STEP 3 - Assembly

Pin, or, clip panels right side together. Make sure that each design is facing in the same vertical direction.

Machine panels together with a ½” seam, LEAVING ½” at the bottom, as this will aid attaching the bottom panel.

Once all sides are sewn together, it should look similar to the picture above.

Pin, or, clip bottom panel into position and sew together. I first do this for two opposite sides, then repeat for the remaining two opposite sides.

Above picture shows bottom sewn in place.

Turn basket right way out. Press.

STEP 4 – Handles

Fold and then iron fabric for handle, in half, lengthways. Then open out.

Fold lengthways, each side, into the centre and iron

Fold again along the centre line and iron, before top stitching along each edge, to give a handle that is now approximately 1” wide. Then put to one side for use later. Repeat the process to make the second handle.

Position and pin handles in place about 1/2” from each side seam, before securing by running a large machine stitch about ¼' below the basket top.

STEP 5 – Pockets

Each of the 4 pocket panels is 8” x 6 ½”

Fold each pocket lining in half lengthways, right sides together, and pin, so that resulting panel is 8” x 3 ¼”.

Machine down the long open edge, with a 1/4” seam making a tube.

Turn rightside out and then iron with the seam in the centre of one side.

Position the pocket 2 ½” up from the bottom of the lining panel.

Machine the pocket in place, as shown above, with 3 vertical lines of stitching on the edges and centre.

Different sizes of pockets can be created, on each of the lining panels. The one shown above had additional vertical lines of stitching added. Repeat the process for all 4 side lining panels and pockets.

STEP 6 – Attaching lining to basket outer.

Once all 4 lining panels have had the pockets added, place panels right side together and secure with a ½” seam as the main panels above. Repeat until lining is complete and can be placed inside  the outer basket.

Lining may sit proud of outer basket, so may need to be trimmed to correct height.

Pin, or, clip inner lining to outer basket.

Viewed from above.

STEP 7 – Making binding - If you do not have a 35” continuous strip available

As I did not have a strip 35” long, I joined 2 pieces of 17.5” long.

Position right sides together at 90 degrees, as shown above.

Machine on the diagonal.

Trim the excess.

Press with iron.

STEP 8 – Attaching Binding.

Pin, or, clip binding in position with binding right side to outer of bag. Remember to fold over about 1/2” at start of binding to give a neat finish.

Another view of the binding clipped in position. Sew into position, using a ½” seam.

Above picture shows binding attached. Press the binding away from the basket.

Turn over raw edge of binding to meet the top of the basket and pin, or, clip the binding in place as shown above.

Turn the edge down once more, in order to encase the raw edge and hand sew in place with a slip stitch. 

To make the handles stand upright, sew a ¼” top stitch around the top, making sure the handles are  facing up and included in the stitching process.

This should complete your Craft Basket.

Finished item



Etsy Shop: PickleCreationsShop

Keiran shared her very cute basket!!

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