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How to make a Book Bag

Blog Post by Cathy of Pickle Creations

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To create a classic book bag, with an internal slip pocket, that can be embellished with appliqué, or, embroidery. The example shown here uses a unicorn machine embroidery design.

STEP 1 – Cutting Out

The preceding 4 pictures show the pieces required to make the book bag.

STEP 2 - Front

Join front pieces B & C together with 0.5” seam attaching optional fancy trimming at the same time. The trim can be of your choice like prairie point, Ric Rack, or similar.

STEP 3 – Front embellishment

Front panel with appliqué added, plus some additional embroidered text.

STEP 4 - Handles

Take a 5” x 20” strip and fold in half lengthways and press. Open out and fold each long side to the centre and press. Fold in half again to give a 20” x 1.25” strip. Top stitch down both sides. Repeat for second handle.

STEP 5 - Attaching handles

Pin handles as shown above. Attach the handles 4” from the edges, of the front panel. Secure by sewing with a 0.25” seam.

STEP 6 – Making the bag

Place front panel (B & C joined) to back panel A, right sides together. Sew sides and bottom together using a 1/2” seam.

Then turn bag right side out, so that embellishment is visible.

STEP 7 – Internal pocket

Take piece F internal pocket and fold in half right sides together, then sew along the long edge with a 0.25” seam to create a tube 14,5” x 7”. Turn right side out and top stitch a 1/8” seam along the folded edge, which will become the top edge of the internal pocket.

STEP 8 – Attaching internal pocket

Attach the folded pocket piece F to the bag lining piece E, by pinning in place, so that the bottom of the pocket is 3” from the bottom of the lining, then top stitch along the bottom with a 1/8 ” seam.

STEP 9 –  Create 3 individual pockets

Mark a line 4.5“ from each edge and then sew down them to create a central pocket. The edges of the other two pockets will be completed when attaching the lining front to back.

Attach the front and back linings by placing right sides together and then sewing down the sides and along the bottom of the lining with a 0.5” seam, leaving a 5” gap in the bottom seam, to allow for turning right side out once fitted to bag.

STEP 10 – Attaching lining to bag

Insert bag outer, inside the lining, so that right sides are together. Pin then sew around the the top to secure lining to bag with a 0.5” seam. Then turn bag right side out, by pulling through the 5” gap left previously.

STEP 11 – Finishing bag

Hand, or, machine sew closed, the 5” gap left to turn bag right side. Then press lining inside the bag. Top stitch around the top of the bag with a 0.25” seam to finish off.

STEP 17 – Other examples

Note from Heather:   Thank you for sharing your Book Bag Instructions.  This one's on my 'to do' list - such a beautiful and practical Gift!!

View more of Cathy's detailed pattern's at her Website Pickle Creations

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