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arrow_circle_down Partying with My Applique Jungle Animals

Partying with My Applique Jungle Animals

Once upon a time, I felt like creating a really cute animal quilt. Not just any quilt though. I wanted to make an animal quilt using large applique jungle animals, which required multiple hooping, but only one fabric and a simple join. The animal quilt needed to be quick and easy and look fantastic! My solution, create a collection of large applique jungle animals!

Darina Canvas

Jungle Animal Canvas's stitched by Darina

Benefits of Using Large Applique Designs

Just in case you are new to the world of large applique designs, let me fill you in.  A large applique design is one which needs multiple hooping, but minimal fabric and a simple join.  The beauty of my large applique jungle animal collection is you can create the animals individually and then add to quilt blocks or panels as you like. This ensures your quilt is unique just to you.   As with many of my designs, my ideas for using this applique collection were quickly surpassed by everyone in our Facebook group.   The amazing photos people have shared not only show their talent, but the large pool of creativity we can all draw from too!

Audrey made this delightful quilt with all her animals spaced out within a centre panel, which she then added three borders to. 

Audrey Jungle Animals

 Jane Banana

 I love the way Jane added a banana in the hands of the Jungle Animal monkey and hung him from a branch in her embroidered baby welcome design. 


Peggy appliqued both a Leopard and a monkey onto the ends of a towel. I think this would make a fabulous gift for a toddler or pre-schooler. You could even add them to a hooded towel to use when they go swimming or take a bath. 
 Jungle Towel

Lorraine made her quilt by combining different animals from the applique Jungle Animal collection and some small embroidered pandas. Each animal was placed in it’s own individual block, which was then bordered with a contrasting colour to the fabric used in the panel. I think it is beautiful! 

Lorraine Zoo Quilt

Giraffe Cushion

Stitched by Jackie

Elephant Cushion

Stitched by Jane

Leopard Cushion

Stitched by Jackie

One of the things I really enjoy about using large applique designs is the versatility they offer. You can simply choose one design and machine applique that onto a cushion cover, pillowcase, tote bag or an article of clothing. Not only do these make quick and easy gifts, but they are great fun to work with too!   Finally, I also love being able to create matching accessories with my quilts. Like with this panda quilt, a matching throw rug or cushion would look wonderful together on a bed.

Marie-jose Quilt

Amazing Quilt stitched by Marie-Jose

If you haven’t already, head over to purchase your own applique Jungle Animal collection. With seven different animals, you’ll have a fabulous time partying together!  There's also a video showcasing even more projects made by the Group.



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