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arrow_circle_down What are the best Scissors for Applique

What are the best Scissors for Applique

"What scissors do you use when cutting your fabric for applique?"

This is a question I get asked all the time.

Sorry, I don't have a 'magic' answer - I have 3 or 4 types of scissors which I use every day.

My true answer (with 3 other naughty people  in the house -who swear they don't touch my scissors, BUT THEY DO), is the scissors I can find, or 'the sharpest' scissors.

Favourite Embroidery Scissors

I have an awesome pair of Matilda Scissors that Darina sent me from Australia that are my favourites at the moment, but I switch to other scissors depending on the actual fabric, or size of fabric I am trying to cut.

With my Coasters or Large Appliques, if I have backed my fabric with iron on interfacing, then I use my trusty old Dressmakers Scissors.

If I'm trying to cut into a small or pointy area, I tend to use my small sharp 'little' scissors.

It all comes down to personal preference, and what works for you.

Both Kay from Kays Cutz and Sue from OML share their thoughts on Scissors

Tags: Embroidery help  

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