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How to make a Fabric Basket

Bunny Basket Blog

Fabric Suggestions: Furnishing, drill, linen, craft, velvet.
Batting Suggestions:  Matilda's Own Quilt Wadding - you need a substantial batting so your bag sides and nice and firm and don't collapse

Designs used in this Sample  Free Bunny Applique  Set



This is a project that you can pretty much make to any size you like.  As a guide, Darina has included the following cutting guide.   But once you've made your first test sample, you can then adapt your cutting sizes to fit your needs.


Pre-quilt your fabric - Instructions included in the Free Bunny Applique Set

Cut your fabric squares to desired size.

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Embroider your design in the centre of your block. You may choose to embroider on both sides of your basket or just the front.


Be mindful of where you position your embroidery 

The size of your corners (plus seam allowance) will be the bottom of your Basket, and the top of your basket will have the Lining folded down.

Darina started with the 12x12 blocks and used the 5x5 Free Applique Bunny

If you are not sure where to position your embroidery, then you can mark the corner size on your fabric, plus 1/2 inch seam allowance and that will be the bottom of your basket  ie corners are 3 inch - mark 3.5 inch from the bottom

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Cut the corners to the appropriate size. Your see through plastic ruler makes this easy.

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Place your two panels right side facing and stitch the two side seams and the bottom seam.
Press seams open.

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Fold the base to the sides to match the seams, and stitch as pictured. This creates your boxed corners.

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Make your lining in the same way. I do slightly deeper seams on the lining as your internal measurement is always slightly smaller.

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Place your two baskets inside one another with wrong sides facing. Your lining could end up slightly taller than the outer fabric so you can either trim a little off first or stitch together and trim later.

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Zig zag or serge the top edge

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Cut two pieces of fabric the width of your original panels for the top band. I did 5” high for my sample but can easily do it deeper.

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Join the side seams then fold in half with wrong sides together.

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Pin on the inside of the basket top. If you have used a directional fabric make sure it is up the right way for when you turn it over. Stitch then turn over.

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 I have used a piece of foam bag wadding cut @ 1.5” x required length.

Cut a piece of fabric same length and 4” wide

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Either overlock/serge the edges or turn over and narrow hem one long edge.

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Lay the foam or batting down the centre. Good to spray some temporary glue along it then bring the fabric in from both sides. Stitch down the centre. Add 2 more rows of stitching towards the edge.

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Attach handles to the inside of the bag as pictured

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Make a taller top, and incorporate the fold down in the body of the bag 

When you stitch the sides of your lining, Leave a gap along the side, so you can turn the bag

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As before, even up the top edge and stitch along the top

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Turn to right side, and top stitch as pictured

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Fold down the top edge

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If your fabric is thick (or you prefer the look) you can do as Darina did for this sample

  • Overlock the top edge
  • Add a piece of binding
  • Fold over and secure by top stitching on the front 

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This is such a cute and easy project that you could use any design or fabric to make.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Fabric Baskets made by Darina

Darina shared these samples 



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