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How to make a Mouse Pad

Kim, Faye, Darina and I went to an Digitising Seminar last week, and one of the requirements was to bring your own Mouse Pad.   

Faye shared the Mouse Pad she made and started a trend!!


How styley did the KK Girls look with our gorgeous Mouse Pads (and bags)

Darina made the bright set for Kim, the Black and White set for me. and Faye made her beautiful Purple set

I missed the e-mail, but luckily Darina was onto it and made me one - Thank you Darina!!

Admin Girls Mouse Sets

So how can you make a Mouse Pad?

The girls have used our

In the hoop Rectangle Coaster 

As Darina says "I have made mine with fusible fleece as the wadding and then just putting the vinyl in the centre section. Very easy to do and really no different to make any normal coaster or placemat"

The design set includes full photo step-by-step photos - If you are new to this style of design, watch Kay's 

How to make our Free In the hoop Sewing Mug Rug 

which uses the same techniques

As you can see below, there has been a variety of materials used.

The majority have been made with vinyl for the middle piece. although Judi has done the opposite with vinyl on the outside and fabric in the middle

In the hoop Mouse Pads by Judi

Faye shared her great idea of using non-slip shelf lining for the backing

In the hoop Mouse Pad by Jean

Jean used an actual mouse pad for her centre

In the hoop Mouse Pad by Marilyn

Marilyn used 'real' leather for her centre

In the hoop Mouse Pad by Nicola

How about a matching mouse pad and Coaster like Nicola,who used vinyl for her centre

Mouse Pad by Julie

Julie makes her Mouse Pads to sell at the market - how cute are they??

Mouse Pad by Anne

Anne used our Free In the hoop Photo Frame for her very cute Mouse Pad

In the hoop Mouse Pad by Darina

Looking for gift ideas?  Make a Gift set like Darina - matching bags and mouse pads!!

Darina used our In the hoop Coin purse for her bags

Be sure to join our Kreative Kiwi Group and share your Mouse Pad photos!

Tags: Design Ideas  How to  

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