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arrow_circle_down How to make our In the hoop Notebook Covers

How to make our In the hoop Notebook Covers

While we are not professional video makers, we are machine embroidery addicts who want to make it as easy as possible to create our projects. 
Our videos show the step-by-step techniques involved to create our designs, full details are included in the written instructions that come with your downloaded file.

Crazy to think, I created these very popular 3-part Notebooks back in 2017.

 In October 2022  I finished a side project I had to revise and standardise all our In the hoop Notebook covers to include:

  • 4 Notebook sizes
  • One hooping versions for large hoops

Plus, incorporate all the tips we’ve learnt over the years making these notebooks 

If you have previously purchased any of these designs, please log into your account to download the revised files

We are in the process of creating new videos for the Notebooks, but as part of my 'revision' project, I standardised all the Notebooks, so all Notebooks (excluding the Crazy Patch version which has its own video) follow the same construction method, the only difference being the embroidery design or patch on the notebook cover, which is fully covered in each set of instructions.



This video shows our Zodiac Notebook Cover - all multi-hooping Notebook  covers are now made in the same way, the only difference is the embroidery detail on the front and back

(the step-by-step written instructions detail each version)


This video shows our popular Mandala Notebook Cover - all one-hooping Notebook  covers are now made in the same way, the only difference is the embroidery detail 

(the step-by-step written instructions detail each version)

As Kay creates her detailed videos, we will update this page.


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