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arrow_circle_down How to make a Table Runner with half square Triangles

How to make a Table Runner with half square Triangles

Barbel shares how to make this Table Runner with any 8 inch block, plus her free half square Triangle Block


Barbel very kindly shared these instructions for us all - Thank you so much Barbel

If you want to make a table runner from square blocks and triangles, you can do these steps:

  • For the square you can use any quilt block with the size 8x8, use a stabilizer like no show mesh, which will be very soft after washing.
  • Cut your batting a bit smaller than the square or the triangles, so the seams between the blocks do not go over it. 

Barbel pic 1 and 2

  • Embroider your blocks, (Butterfly from Quilted Sweet Dreams) remove the stabilizer around the blocks as close as you can. 
  • Cut the fabric around the blocks exactly with a 1cm seam allowance.

Barbel pic 3

  • The triangles are NOT half of any 8x8 square
  • The sides have to be as long as the square sides.  Draw a triangle with the same length of the perpendicular sides as the square and add 1cm seam allowance to each side.

 Barbel has very kindly included a 1/2 square Triangle Block that you can download


 Barbel pic 4

  • Once all squares and triangles are embroidered, sew the rows together. 

Barbel pic 5

  • Sew the rows together and iron the seams open. Be very careful and use a wet cloth on top, the stabilizer will melt otherwise.

Barbel pic 6

  • Now you can add a piping, or a border only.
  • The back I sewed on with an opening to turn, but you can also make a binding. To connect all layers, I quilted along some seams.

Barbel pic 7

Here is the beautiful Table runner that started it all! 

Barbel used our Orange Peel and Fancy Frame blocks for this version

Original Table Runner by Barbel

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