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arrow_circle_down Can I save Designs to my I-Pad?

How to Save a File on your I-Pad

 Blog Post by Kim Leslie

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You can save a file on an iPad from Facebook but you need to have access to a folder in the Cloud such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Once you have set up an account with one of these, you can link it to your PC to then unzip it and transfer the design/s to your embroidery machine.

The following steps are assuming you have Cloud storage already set up on both your iPad and PC.


In Facebook, select the file that has been shared.

When you click on it, you should see a lot of gibberish pop up on your screen. This is completely normal. You don’t have gremlins, it’s what is called “coding” and it’s the only way Facebook can read it.

What we need to do next is open the coding in Safari where it can be read, but not opened. To do this, click on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner of your screen and a dropdown menu should appear. Select Safari which is your iPads default browser.


It should then open another window which will look like this.

Now click on “more”. Depending on which Cloud account you installed, you will see it as being available to choose from. As I have both installed, I have both options to choose from.


Select your preferred program and then it will follow with prompts to save it. Once saved, you can go to your PC when you’re ready to do the stitchout and download it from the Cloud, unzip/extract the file, select the design and size you want and load it to your PC.


For anyone wanting to view the files on your iPad I recommend a free application called AIRSTITCH. You can’t edit the files but you can view them. You’ll need to download the file again but this time save to AirStitch instead of the Cloud.


I hope you find this helpful.

Kim Leslie 


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