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Darina - Kreative Kiwi Admin
Tell us a little about yourself?
I was born and bred for 17 years in the North Island of New Zealand.
Came to Australia in 1971, met and married the love of my life and been here ever since.
When did your Love affair with Machine Embroidery start?
I have been a sewer all my life, taught by my Mum at a very young age. Was wandering the street one day feeling a little down and just happened to mosey into the sewing shop…..left with my very first embroidery machine that had a tiny black and white screen! Three months later I bought the Brother 4000D. Wore that one out. That was about 10 years ago.
What machine did you start with? 
That first little machine was a Brother 2100, graduated to the 4000D. Now I am a Janome girl through and through! I have a MB4 multineedle and a 11,000. Also the Janome 6600 straight sewer. Love to get all three machines going at once! My daily challenge. I do have’ hoop envy’. My largest is 8x8 (200x200) on the 11,000. I have a 240x200 on the multineedle but still doesn’t quite fit most 6x10 designs.
How much time a week/month do you spend stitching?
I am a sewaholic. I sew 6 days a week pretty well. Widowed and retired allows me that time. Squeeze a few things in between. Teach an embroidery class once or twice a month. Love to cook also.
Who do you create for?
I sew for pleasure and to earn a little extra to help pay the bills. Family and friends do benefit considerably. I have a facebook page and do markets
Note from Kreative Kiwi - Darina does the most amazing stitching - Click here to see her Sew Nice by Darina Facebook Page - If you are near Wodonga Victoria, make sure you say Hi! |
How amazing is this Cubby House Darina makes and sells!
What is your favourite Kreative Kiwi Design?
This is like choosing your favourite child! I love Kreative Kiwi designs. The Jungle Animals might come in tops but then again Daisy Doll took me on an awesome journey! Love the notebook covers too. How many favourites am I allowed?! Hehe.
Are you happy to show us a ‘real’ photo of your sewing area/sewing room?
You've seen the Before, now lets see the After!
Do you have any Storage tips from your sewing space? Stabiliser, fabric, notions, ribbons, buttons?
I am very fortunate to have a lovely sewing room. Think one of the best additions I made were the plastic drawers under my desk and tables. Bought them gradually. Still plenty of room to sit in front of them. Slide out easily and can be totally removed. The perfect size for all sorts of things. I label them and they are so accessible. Adjustable shelving in all the big cupboards is a great bonus too.
What advice would you give to someone starting out?
I guess the main thing is to get the largest hoop you can afford. At first you might not think that necessary but in a very short time you will understand! Make sure you have service available for your machine. Find a group of like minded people to enjoy your sewing with. Then of course there is a group like Kreative Kiwi which is just amazing. Help is at your fingertips. So much to learn from others…..enjoy the experience
In addition to being an amazing stitcher, and Teacher, Darina has written a 'guest blog' for us - A Day at the Farm by Darina where she shares her instructions for creating this awesome Placemat!
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