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Floral Heart Cuties
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[{"colour":"","code":"KK116E","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1377236,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties EXP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116H","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":542203,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties HUS","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116J","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":542204,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties JEF","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116P","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1186297,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties PES","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116V","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":542205,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties VIP","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116X","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1468414,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties XXX","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116D","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1673705,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties DST","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"},{"colour":"","code":"KK116VP","size":"","price":10,"qty":9999,"pid":1673706,"style":"Floral Heart Cuties VP3","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/FloralHeartCuties/Image4.jpg","title":"Floral Heart Cuties"}]

This set has been a pleasure to digitise, and is yet another one of my favourites.  The very versatile set (5x7 hoop required) includes 8 designs with the floral hearts and cute animals, plus the 8 hearts by themselves. 

I can see some very cute pillowcases and /or cushions for little kids rooms - you could put an animal design on the front, then add the childs name to the heart design and use that for the back.  Cat and Dog lovers will enjoy the cat and dog designs, while the very tired bunny could be used for your easter projects - delivering easter eggs is hard work!!  The Lion could be "just li-on' around", while the monkey could be used with the wording "even monkeys sleep!".

The floral hearts by themselves will be perfect for using with monograms for a favourite friend.


Paula added her own wording to our Floral Heart Cutie designs to make this very very cute Quilt

Paula - Floral Heart Cuties

Julie-Anne combined our Orange Peel Block with our Floral Cuties to create this stunning Quilt

Floral Heart Cutie Quilt

Cindy used Floral Hearts and our So Sleepy designs for this beautiful quilt

Floral Heart Cutie by Cindy

Hoop Size Model Type Year


We use hoop size descriptions in line with usual industry terms.  If you are unsure if your hoop is big enough for a design, please check the size in mm, or click here for a list of common Embroidery Hoop Sizes

Please note that our 6x10 designs utilize the full embroidery field, which may not fit within the Oval Bernina hoop. If this is the case, you may need to use a larger Bernina hoop or opt for the 5x7 designs instead.

 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 

5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 

6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 

8x8 inch  - 200 x 200 mm

8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 
