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arrow_circle_down What is Fussy Cutting?

What is Fussy Cutting?

Dr Google says:  A Fussy Cut is a piece of fabric cut to target a specific area of a print.

In Kreative Kiwi speak - making sure that you cut your Applique fabric so that the picture (or pretty) piece of the fabric fits within the stitching lines, and show cases the Fabric perfectly.

Warratah Coaster - Tricia

Tricia's Teacup is the perfect example of fussy cutting the Warratah

So how do you ensure you place your fabric properly?  - You create a Template so you can pre-cut your fabric to highlight a specific picture.

There are a couple of methods you can use to create a Template

Tea Cup EmbirdFirstly, because you always test stitch a design (yeah right) - you could simply use your sample as a template, and place that on your fabric piece.

Some embroidery software has a function to print a paper template of your design

Heres an example from Embird - make sure you set your printer to 1:1

In both those examples, you place the template over your fabric, ensuring you get the 'picture' in the right place, then cut around the edges.

The method I normally use, especially if I am going to make more than just one item, is:

Hoop Cutaway Stabiliser

Stitch first color  of your design, which is the outline of the Applique

Remove hoop from machine and cut away the inner shape - now you have a window to  'audition' the fabric.

Mark around the edges with a removeable marker (I used pen, so you could see it)

REMEMBER When you cut out your fabric, leave a ½ inch seam allowance

Simple, yet so effective

Want to test this technique?  Download this simple Hexagon Coaster - find some 'pretty' fabric, and see what you can create.


Pokemon Coaster

In-the-hoop Poppy Coaster

If you are looking for Inspiration, be sure to join the Kreative Kiwi Facebook Group - the photos being shared are truly inspiring - it will give you lots of ideas.

For those without Facebook - Check out our Inspirations page, I put together quick videos show casing everyone's amazing projects.

Susan did a great job of fussy cutting her fabric for this Christmas Placemat 2 - it looks like a floral wreath

Susan - amazing fussy cuttimg christmas placemat

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